Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hey, It's Ok Wednesday

I was reading a blog I follow, Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Sock at a Time and she gave me the idea to do this. She got the idea from Glamour Magazine where they list a lot of things to be ok about. At first, I wasn't going to steal her idea. But then I realized just how crappy today has been and I thought maybe, just maybe this can help me feel... ok.
Hey! It's ok...

to eat a rice krispies treat and cookie for breakfast the week after Halloween.

to completely forget to do your homework.. two days in a row.

to skip class. I mean as long as you're passing, right?

to have absolutely no idea where you are headed or what you want to do with your with life. I mean why should you have to decide? It's a stupid idea to have to pick one career for your entire life. 5 years from now I know for a fact I will not want to do what I want to do now. I change my mind like I change my underwear. Every 5 years.

to have snowmen & a christmas tree decorating your house while your freshly carved pumpkin sits on your counter.

to have a hole in your sock.

to have been working on laundry for 4 days and still not have any pants to wear. Ellen once tweeted "Donde esta my pants?" If Ellen doesn't need pants, then I don't need pants.

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